Between trips, when PRHDR is not in the Dominican Republic, our partnership with the Peace Corps allows us to continue educating the health promoters from the villages we serve. Health promoters from thirteen villages met at Fusimana for two days on three consecutive months for two semesters last fall and spring. They participated in intense training of core curriculum on basic anatomy, adult and pediatric physical assessment, vital signs, nutrition, minor acute illnesses as well as common chronic illness: diabetes, hypertension, asthma. They also attended a First Aid Course taught by the Red Cross Director from Santiago.
To graduate and receive their certificate, each village health promoter had to attend both semesters of instruction, to pass a written test, complete their community assessment, and be observed by a Peace Corps volunteer during a site visit where they visit villagers, do an interview, vital signs, physical assessment, and review medications with the patient. Dr. Ramon assisted in teaching course work as well. Each participant received the book, Where There Is No Doctor supplied by PRHDR. Plans are underway to continue working with this group in developing more in-depth knowledge of diabetes and hypertension, working towards monitoring these illnesses in those they serve. Also, in upcoming clinics, PRHDR plans for the Health Promoters to work with some of the clinic staff while doing physicals or assisting with vital signs.
This educational outreach program is an important part of our mission to provide continuity of care to the villages we serve through engagement, education and empowerment.